Food photographers in Salzburg

In Salzburg, a city renowned for its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes, food photography emerges as a vibrant art form, blending culinary mastery with visual storytelling. With its picturesque streets, historic landmarks, and charming cafes, Salzburg provides a captivating backdrop for food photographers seeking to capture the essence of Austrian cuisine.

Christine Daller

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Salzburg, Austria Also serving: Linz (Austria)

"Every picture tells a story. What's yours?" I am a passionate Photographer in Food, Product and Stilllife Photography. My mission is to create photographs that are mouthwatering and express a special mood. I carefully plan, design, and style food photo shoots, ensuring every element harmonizes perfectly to express the intended message. I love photographing in a dark, moody and chiaroscuro style. I also enjoy creative, innovative shootings and action shots with artificial lights in my Home Studio. I studied Paedagogy, focused on Digital Media and live in Salzburg City. German Version: "Jedes Bild erzählt eine Geschichte. Was ist DEINE?" Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche Fotografin für Food-, Produkt- und Stilllebenfotografie. Meine Mission ist es, Fotos zu erstellen, die uns das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen lassen und eine besondere Stimmung ausdrücken. Ich plane, gestalte und style Fotoshootings immer sorgfältig, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Element perfekt miteinander harmoniert und die beabsichtigte Botschaft ankommt. Ich liebe es in einem dunklen, stimmungsvollen Stil zu fotografieren, aber verfolge ebenso kreative, innovative Ideen und Actionshots. Ich fotografiere Tageslicht unabhängig in meinem Heimstudio. Ich habe Pädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Medien studiert und lebe im wunderschönen Salzburg.


Selected photos

"Every picture tells a story. What's yours?" I am a passionate Photographer in Food, Product and Stilllife Photography. My mission is to create photographs that are mouthwatering and express a special mood. I carefully plan, design, and style food photo shoots, ensuring every element harmonizes perfectly to express the intended message. I love photographing in a dark, moody and chiaroscuro style. I also enjoy creative, innovative shootings and action shots with artificial lights in my Home Studio. I studied Paedagogy, focused on Digital Media and live in Salzburg City. German Version: "Jedes Bild erzählt eine Geschichte. Was ist DEINE?" Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche Fotografin für Food-, Produkt- und Stilllebenfotografie. Meine Mission ist es, Fotos zu erstellen, die uns das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen lassen und eine besondere Stimmung ausdrücken. Ich plane, gestalte und style Fotoshootings immer sorgfältig, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Element perfekt miteinander harmoniert und die beabsichtigte Botschaft ankommt. Ich liebe es in einem dunklen, stimmungsvollen Stil zu fotografieren, aber verfolge ebenso kreative, innovative Ideen und Actionshots. Ich fotografiere Tageslicht unabhängig in meinem Heimstudio. Ich habe Pädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Medien studiert und lebe im wunderschönen Salzburg.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours


In this gastronomic journey, food photographers in Salzburg meticulously craft images that showcase the region's culinary delights, from traditional dishes like schnitzel and strudel to gourmet creations inspired by local ingredients. Through their lens, they celebrate the flavors, textures, and colors that define Austrian gastronomy, inviting viewers to savor every detail.

Drawing inspiration from Salzburg's vibrant food scene, photographers adeptly play with light, composition, and styling to evoke a sense of culinary indulgence. Whether shooting in cozy cafes nestled within historic buildings or outdoor markets brimming with fresh produce, they skillfully convey the essence of the dining experience, enticing viewers to partake in the culinary delights of the city.

Beyond merely capturing dishes, food photographers in Salzburg also delve into the cultural and historical significance of Austrian cuisine. They seek to convey the stories behind each recipe, shedding light on the traditions, rituals, and influences that shape the local culinary landscape. In doing so, they offer a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Salzburg's culinary heritage.

In a city where every meal is an opportunity for sensory delight, food photographers play a vital role in preserving and promoting Salzburg's gastronomic treasures. Their images not only tantalize taste buds but also serve as a visual testament to the city's culinary diversity and creativity. Through their artistry, they invite both locals and visitors alike to embark on a culinary journey through the heart of Salzburg.