0-9 awards.
Gets profile, listing on Photographers page.
10-29 awards
30-59 awards
60-99 awards
100+ awards
The most prestige title. Requires absolutely amazing and flawless skills, creativity and art sense. Truly a master and leader in the industry. Whilst very difficult to obtain this title, it is possible to achieve with a lot of effort and talent.
Need to gain: 100+ awards
9 photographers have Grand Master of Photography status
Equipped with outstanding and creative skills, a Master of Photography demonstrates exceptional craftsmanship through the stunning work. A title difficult to obtain without years of experience and effort. Being an Master of Photography you would be invited to act as a judge in the competition.
Need to gain: 60-99 awards
9 photographers have Master of Photography status
A higher level of Member, that requires constant excellence performance in Competitions.
Need to gain: 30-59 awards
10 photographers have Grand Member status
Senior Member demonstrates excellence skills and techniques.
Need to gain: 10-29 awards
33 photographers have Senior Member status
Lowest membership tier. Starting from this point you get a profile on our website and listing on Photographers Page.
Need to gain: 0-9 awards
29 photographers have Member status