Alwin Widjaja




🇮🇩 Indonesia

Also serving:

Vancouver (Canada)

Minimum price/hours

100$ per hour | 5 hours minimum





9 awards left until the Senior Member

2nd place in Indonesia

106th place in Canada

With us

3 months

The sights, sounds, and smells of food being prepared and enjoyed; The joy a good drink and meal brings. These are what have drawn me to wanting to capture images that convey the feelings that food and drink bring. I love to shoot in restaurants and bars to show off where you will bring smiles, laughter, and memories to your customers. Let me help you show off the beautiful creations your chefs and/or bartenders are created.

Winning photos

Four traditional Chinese broths to soothe the body, mind, and soul. The chef of a new Chinese restaurant wanted to highlight the heartiness of his soups. I decided that an earthy, warm background and soft light from the right would best suit the scene to show the depth of each soup and add shape to the bowls. Together with the wonderful stylist, Lucianne (Anne), we tried several different scenes variations, finally coming up with this image. Soups are best shared after all.

108th Collection

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