Nadežda Štanglovičová




🇸🇰 Slovakia

With us

4 months

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Winning photos

I used to dine at Barumka in Banska Bystrica throughout my entire university studies, and by coincidence, during a photo shoot, without my choice, they served my favorite dish—chicken breasts wrapped in bacon with cheese sauce and potatoes! A coincidence? :)

107th Collection

Flambéed duck legs with sautéed potato dumplings and plum sauce at Barumka restaurant in Banská Bystrica.

107th Collection

My brother came over to my place, saying he made a great Italian burrata with roasted peaches on thyme, served with reduced balsamic vinegar, pine nuts, fresh basil, and flaked salt, and asked if I could photograph it. So, I highlighted the plating process.

107th Collection

A pistachio cube presented in a geometric composition, with a cross-section that reveals its intricate layers.

106th Collection

What could be better than showcasing the beautiful cross-sections and flavors of a dessert from Monamé, allowing the customer to imagine the experience just by looking? A treat that delights multiple senses.

106th Collection

A portrayal of the lightness and delicacy of a Pavlova from the amazing Slovak patisserie Monamé, embodying the phrase: "Simplicity is beauty."

106th Collection

Food is not just about the final product on the plate, but it's about the process of the chef, who pays attention to every step to make the food perfect. Let's frame it!

105th Collection

A client invited me to photograph their new creation, where the chef crafted this delicious multi-layered Big Mac. It would be a sin not to showcase all its layers, and of course, as the cherry on top, the sauce that the chef squeezes from a homemade bun is essential. OH yumm!

105th Collection

Other Photographers in Slovakia