Ihor Smishko




πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Ukraine

Minimum price/hours

60$ per hour

With us

10 months

Hello, my name is Igor. I am from Kyiv and open for cooperation. I work in the field of food photography and objective advertising shooting.

Winning photos

This photo of an eclair for the Galamyder restaurant makes me happy. Because in Ukrainian this word means absence or disorder; mess. Therefore, there is a bit of chaos and colors

93rd Collection

My favorite subject of photography is balancing and combining unusual things

93rd Collection

A photo of a cocktail for the Boulevard restaurant in Kyiv

93rd Collection

A random shot is always the best. I wouldn't do this a second time and staged, that's why it's cool

92nd Collection

When I shoot food, I always want something new. Especially with the light, so I created an interesting effect for this dish and the customer really liked it

92nd Collection

I really wanted to shoot advertising. Therefore, I came up with a technical task and implemented the idea with a splash. This is a classic for such drinks

92nd Collection