Renzo Procaccio




🇨🇱 Chile

With us

2 years

Winning photos

Make this shot was a lot of fun, I was photographing dishes and pasta all day in a pasta factory, almost at the end they decided to take some photos of raw products and as soon as I saw these linguine, I told myself that I had to take a macro shot of them.

79th Collection

This photo marks a before and after, it was taken in 2020 shortly after the quarantine was relaxed in Santiago de Chile and the first restaurant I attended in the spring, to take this photo I used a steamer while my assistant held the camera.

The restaurant is called @eltemplosushi on instagram you will find it

78th Collection

Clams au gratin with white sauce, scented with Trä-Kál, anise, buttery cheese and toasted garlic.
Chef Luis Aurelio Garay. Restaurant 1756

I took this photo for a restaurant that closed after the social explosion that happened here in Chile.
It is a nice memory of a place that had potential, but circumstances led to its closure.

78th Collection