In the vibrant and historic city of Lisbon, Portugal, food photographers are the visual narrators of the region's rich culinary tapestry. With a profound understanding of the interplay between flavors, textures, and cultural significance, these skilled professionals expertly capture the essence of Lisbon's diverse gastronomic scene, reflecting the city's fusion of traditional Portuguese delicacies and contemporary culinary innovations. Amidst the cobbled streets, bustling markets, and charming cafes of Lisbon, these photographers meticulously curate their images, adeptly utilizing natural light and innovative styling techniques to showcase the vibrant colors and intricate details of beloved Portuguese dishes, from mouthwatering bacalhau and pastel de nata to aromatic caldo verde and fresh seafood delicacies. Through their lenses, they transport viewers into a world where each dish embodies the rich heritage, warmth, and hospitality that define Lisbon's unique culinary identity.

Frederico Pimentel

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Porto, Portugal Also serving: Lisbon (Portugal)

Olá, sou Frederico Pimentel, fotógrafo especialista em alimentos e gastronomia com uma trajetória de mais de uma década no mundo da fotografia. Minha expertise se tornou uma peça essencial para meus clientes e meus serviços desempenham um papel crucial na apresentação dos seus produtos. Cada fotografia que crio é uma celebração da criatividade culinária, revelando texturas, cores e brilhos para deixar seus clientes com água na boca. Minhas imagens não apenas revelam o sabor, mas também ajudam a contar uma história através da comida. Cada clique reflete a paixão e o cuidado que os Chefs colocam em seus pratos. Se você deseja encantar seus clientes por meio de imagens que aguçam o paladar, estou à disposição para dar vida a essa visão. _____________________________________________________ Hello, I'm Frederico Pimentel, a food and gastronomy specialist photographer with over a decade of experience in the photography world. My expertise has become an essential element for my clients, and my services play a crucial role in presenting their products. Every photograph I create is a celebration of culinary creativity, revealing textures, colors, and shines to make your clients mouth water. My images not only reveal the taste but also help tell a story through food. Each click reflects the passion and care that Chefs put into their dishes. If you want to delight your customers through images that tantalize the palate, I am available to bring this vision to life.


Selected photos

Olá, sou Frederico Pimentel, fotógrafo especialista em alimentos e gastronomia com uma trajetória de mais de uma década no mundo da fotografia. Minha expertise se tornou uma peça essencial para meus clientes e meus serviços desempenham um papel crucial na apresentação dos seus produtos. Cada fotografia que crio é uma celebração da criatividade culinária, revelando texturas, cores e brilhos para deixar seus clientes com água na boca. Minhas imagens não apenas revelam o sabor, mas também ajudam a contar uma história através da comida. Cada clique reflete a paixão e o cuidado que os Chefs colocam em seus pratos. Se você deseja encantar seus clientes por meio de imagens que aguçam o paladar, estou à disposição para dar vida a essa visão. _____________________________________________________ Hello, I'm Frederico Pimentel, a food and gastronomy specialist photographer with over a decade of experience in the photography world. My expertise has become an essential element for my clients, and my services play a crucial role in presenting their products. Every photograph I create is a celebration of culinary creativity, revealing textures, colors, and shines to make your clients mouth water. My images not only reveal the taste but also help tell a story through food. Each click reflects the passion and care that Chefs put into their dishes. If you want to delight your customers through images that tantalize the palate, I am available to bring this vision to life.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours


Beyond their studios, these photographers often immerse themselves in the heart of Lisbon's lively food markets, traditional tascas, and chic Michelin-starred restaurants, aiming to encapsulate the authentic flavors and convivial spirit that characterize the city's gastronomic culture. With every click of their cameras, they not only celebrate the culinary creativity of local chefs and artisans but also offer a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry and the vibrant energy that permeate Lisbon's dynamic and ever-evolving food scene. As custodians of taste and tradition, these food photographers in Lisbon contribute to a legacy of culinary celebration, inviting both residents and visitors to savor the rich flavors and cultural experiences that make Lisbon a cherished destination for food enthusiasts and a true gem in the world of global cuisine.