Food photographers in Vilnius

In the charming city of Vilnius, food photographers play a pivotal role in capturing the essence of Lithuania's vibrant culinary scene. These talented individuals are the unsung heroes behind the mouthwatering images that grace menus, cookbooks, and social media platforms, enticing both locals and visitors alike to indulge in the city's gastronomic delights.

Tibor Galamb

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Budapest, Hungary Also serving: Vilnius (Lithuania)

Tibor Galamb is a photographer and director based in Budapest, Hungary. He specialises in creative advertising photography and available for commissioned work in the European Union and worldwide. His first work consisted mainly of architecture and landscape images. After 3 years of studying civil engineering at Budapest University of Technology, he moved on to photography and completing his bachelor degree in Professional Photography at Edinburgh College in 2013. During his study Tibor started working in different areas of photography to improve his skills and gain experience in working with clients. The combination of his former experiences from the film industry and the civil engineering helped him to build up a strong and unique visual style. This visual style and the high quality results, quickly made him popular among creatives. With a wide range of experience, Tibor is available for various assignments.


Selected photos

Tibor Galamb is a photographer and director based in Budapest, Hungary. He specialises in creative advertising photography and available for commissioned work in the European Union and worldwide. His first work consisted mainly of architecture and landscape images. After 3 years of studying civil engineering at Budapest University of Technology, he moved on to photography and completing his bachelor degree in Professional Photography at Edinburgh College in 2013. During his study Tibor started working in different areas of photography to improve his skills and gain experience in working with clients. The combination of his former experiences from the film industry and the civil engineering helped him to build up a strong and unique visual style. This visual style and the high quality results, quickly made him popular among creatives. With a wide range of experience, Tibor is available for various assignments.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours


Kristina Kasting

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Nanaimo, Canada Also serving: Vilnius (Lithuania)

A born visual storyteller, I have always been driven to create. From my earliest years, I eagerly participated in art competitions at school, excelling on both regional and national stages. With an infectious enthusiasm and approachability, I am an active artist who wholeheartedly embraced the path of Arts & Design studies as the most natural trajectory for my career – as natural as being true to oneself. Over seven years ago, I eagerly grasped my DSLR camera, embarking on a transformative journey into the captivating realm of photography. With each click of the shutter, I delved deeper into the intricate dance between lenses, focal lengths, and angles, striving to encapsulate the very essence of the subjects before my lens. This artistic voyage, however, was only the beginning of a fascination that has led me to where I stand today. With an unquenchable thirst for learning, I find myself still unraveling the vast tapestry of possibilities that photography has to offer. The uncharted waters of food and product photography beckon, promising a symphony of visual storytelling that resonates with my fervent devotion to plant-based recipe creations. The prospect of encapsulating the textures, colors, and details of food with the same ardor that fuels my culinary explorations is a pursuit that ignites my creativity anew. As my journey evolves, I remain deeply committed to honing my craft, mastering each nuance, and unearthing the innate artistry that lies within each captured moment. With every frame, I strive to convey not just what I see, but the emotions, narratives, and stories that breathe life into the stillness of an image. And so, I embark on the next chapter of my photographic odyssey, eager to intertwine my passion for plant-based culinary delights with the limitless canvas of photography.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours

350$ | 1 hour

A born visual storyteller, I have always been driven to create. From my earliest years, I eagerly participated in art competitions at school, excelling on both regional and national stages. With an infectious enthusiasm and approachability, I am an active artist who wholeheartedly embraced the path of Arts & Design studies as the most natural trajectory for my career – as natural as being true to oneself. Over seven years ago, I eagerly grasped my DSLR camera, embarking on a transformative journey into the captivating realm of photography. With each click of the shutter, I delved deeper into the intricate dance between lenses, focal lengths, and angles, striving to encapsulate the very essence of the subjects before my lens. This artistic voyage, however, was only the beginning of a fascination that has led me to where I stand today. With an unquenchable thirst for learning, I find myself still unraveling the vast tapestry of possibilities that photography has to offer. The uncharted waters of food and product photography beckon, promising a symphony of visual storytelling that resonates with my fervent devotion to plant-based recipe creations. The prospect of encapsulating the textures, colors, and details of food with the same ardor that fuels my culinary explorations is a pursuit that ignites my creativity anew. As my journey evolves, I remain deeply committed to honing my craft, mastering each nuance, and unearthing the innate artistry that lies within each captured moment. With every frame, I strive to convey not just what I see, but the emotions, narratives, and stories that breathe life into the stillness of an image. And so, I embark on the next chapter of my photographic odyssey, eager to intertwine my passion for plant-based culinary delights with the limitless canvas of photography.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours

350$ per hour

Vilnius, known for its rich history and diverse culture, has seen a culinary renaissance in recent years. From traditional Lithuanian dishes like cepelinai and kugelis to international flavors and modern fusion cuisine, the city's food scene has become a melting pot of flavors and influences. Food photographers in Vilnius have embraced this diversity, using their artistic skills to capture the beauty and intricacies of each dish.

These photographers are not just technicians with cameras; they are storytellers who use their lenses to narrate the tales of local chefs and their culinary creations. They understand the importance of lighting, composition, and perspective in making food look not only appetizing but also emotionally engaging. Through their work, they invite diners to connect with the culture and craftsmanship behind every plate.

Vilnius food photographers are not limited to studio setups; they often venture into the city's bustling food markets, trendy cafes, and fine-dining establishments to document the entire culinary journey. Their images reflect the passion and dedication of the chefs, bakers, and artisans who take pride in their craft. Moreover, these photographers help promote local businesses and contribute to the city's reputation as a gastronomic destination.

In a city where food is more than just sustenance but a celebration of culture and tradition, Vilnius food photographers play an essential role in preserving and sharing the culinary heritage of this enchanting Baltic gem. Their work serves as an invitation to savor the flavors of Vilnius, one photograph at a time.