Ariel Rozenbaum



Oakland, California

🇺🇸 The United States

Also serving:

San Francisco (The United States)




Grand Member

19 awards left until the Master of Photography

3rd place in The United States

With us

3 years

Studio Name

Milkshake Creative

Starting out in video, I found my interest in food photography. With COVID-19 lockdowns in place, I found myself with nothing to shoot but food. Taking the variation that comes from any shoot and combining it with my passion for outdoor sports and movement, I most enjoy throwing food around and making it “float”. I guess mom didn’t quite instill the “don’t play with your food” creed hard enough!

Winning photos

A wedding gift for friends. He likes carrot cake, she likes sushi.

105th Collection

The glass is from my car window that was smashed a couple of years ago. I swept it up knowing it' be a great prop someday.

104th Collection

I wanted to create some dynamism in what would otherwise be a static shot of a gradient across embossed text. I did this by raising and lowering the end of the bottle and shooting continuously until I had liquid movement I was happy with.

92nd Collection

This was a wedding gift for friends. She likes sushi and he hates onions.

92nd Collection

This was for work on a personal series of RGB. Obviously this was G.

91st Collection

I shot the bottle over a year ago but when I got to editing, the stock splashes and liquify layers were putting too much strain on my computer so I wasn't able to finish until I upgraded. I am happy that I waited since my original idea didn't include using the splashes as an "S" for Sia.

89th Collection

This is one of the shots I’m most proud of. I liked the roundness of the bottle and the gold cap, and I had been wanting to use these reflective gold coasters I found.
9 photo composite.

88th Collection

I liked the old style look of the syrup tin and wanted to incorporate it in a punchy photo; almost like graphic design rather than an actual photo.

87th Collection