Nicoleta Trecica




🇬🇧 The United Kingdom

Also serving:

Oxford (The United Kingdom)


Grand Member

24 awards left until the Master of Photography

1st place in The United Kingdom

With us

2 years

Studio Name

Treats for Soul

Hello! I'm Nicoleta, a Food and Product Photographer based in Warwick.
I've always been attracted by food, cooking and baking. Trying to capture the food stories, I've cultivated a new passion: Food Photography.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope that my work will inspire you. Please get in touch if you think I might be able to help you capture your ideas and bring them to life.

Winning photos

Food styling challenge and creating a perfect breakfast moment with toast, smoked mackerel and poached egg.

97th Collection

Steaming hot noodles and that moment of waiting to be served. A perfect dish for a moody day.

97th Collection

A refreshing watermelon drink that needed a perfect light and shades to make it appealing for the viewers eye.

96th Collection

The idea of this image was to create a cosy atmosphere in a pub. The colours of the surrounding set the perfect backdrop and contrast for enjoying this delightful, fruity cocktail.

96th Collection

Product work elevating the beauty of it with colours.

95th Collection

Monochromatic story has been a challenge for me, for a while. So I created a table scene with hands and coffee to tell a cold summer story.

94th Collection

This image was created for a client. The request was to have a shot focusing only on the gin, being a smooth drink. Having a human element in action, it gives the feeling that the drink is ready to be served.

91st Collection

This image was created for a client, combining the product history with the ingredients of the gin. The gobo effect idea came when I had realised how could I give to the product more interest.

90th Collection