🇦🇹 Austria
Linz (Austria)
With us
9 months
Studio Name
Christine Daller Photography
"Every picture tells a story. What's yours?"
I am a passionate Photographer in Food, Product and Stilllife Photography. My mission is to create photographs that are mouthwatering and express a special mood. I carefully plan, design, and style food photo shoots, ensuring every element harmonizes perfectly to express the intended message. I love photographing in a dark, moody and chiaroscuro style. I also enjoy creative, innovative shootings and action shots with artificial lights in my Home Studio.
I studied Paedagogy, focused on Digital Media and live in Salzburg City.
German Version:
"Jedes Bild erzählt eine Geschichte. Was ist DEINE?"
Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche Fotografin für Food-, Produkt- und Stilllebenfotografie. Meine Mission ist es, Fotos zu erstellen, die uns das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen lassen und eine besondere Stimmung ausdrücken. Ich plane, gestalte und style Fotoshootings immer sorgfältig, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Element perfekt miteinander harmoniert und die beabsichtigte Botschaft ankommt. Ich liebe es in einem dunklen, stimmungsvollen Stil zu fotografieren, aber verfolge ebenso kreative, innovative Ideen und Actionshots. Ich fotografiere Tageslicht unabhängig in meinem Heimstudio.
Ich habe Pädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Medien studiert und lebe im wunderschönen Salzburg.
Winning photos
Her is a Blueberry Mojito for you! Shot in my studio with artificial lights.
Inside: icecubes with frozen fowers, fresh Blueberrys, Tonic Water, Blue Curaçao and a little bit rum. Cheers 🍸
These delicious macarons were shot in my studio, dark and moody with strong contrasts. The artificial light brings out the wonderful texture and reflection on the background.
104th CollectionThankful to be published in the 103rd collection.
I captured this moody photograph of a delicious cup of dandelion tea in my home studio. My shootings are carefully planned, with thoughtful consideration to ensure everything fits together perfectly. The artificial lighting makes the dandelion blossom glow, inviting viewers to enjoy this homemade cup of tea.