Juan D Laverde M

Juan D

Laverde M


🇨🇴 Colombia

Also serving:

Bogotá (Colombia)

Minimum price/hours

65$ per hour | 4 hours minimum

With us

4 years

Studio Name

Meroverde Studio

I’m Juan David, a food photographer, artist and teacher based in Quindío, Colombia, in a little city called Armenia. My work allows me to explore often and is a direct reflection of my language, of my way to communicate the people, stories, food and places that inspires me. When I’m not doing all things photo-related, I’m probably making animations, drawing, reading, sharing with my family and my little son.

Winning photos

A cocktail I love, a Moscow Mule! Here, the lighting was key to achieving the visual impact I was aiming for.

65th Collection

One of the cocktail photos I enjoyed the most; beauty, delicacy, and elegance were the inspiration for this shot.

63rd Collection

An unexpected photo...

61st Collection

Shall we share a wine? This was the question I pondered as I composed this photo.

60th Collection

It took me 4 hours to capture this photo, and the chocolate made the task a bit challenging, but achieving this final result was very exciting.

59th Collection

A small description of my coffee every morning.

59th Collection

This is one of my first cocktails. Subtle lighting.

58th Collection

¡One shoot! My first high-speed sync photography. This photo was taken with two lights in HSS mode. One soft light in zenith and the second beside the glass, an additional one diffuser in front of.

57th Collection

I've four "P" in my philosophy of life: Practice - Passion - Patience, and Perseverance. I love what I do and this image is the result of the application of this.

56th Collection

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