Petra Schmidt




🇦🇹 Austria

Also serving:

Zürich (Switzerland)

Minimum price/hours

180$ per hour | 4 hours minimum


Senior Member

7 awards left until the Grand Member

2nd place in Austria

46th place in Switzerland

With us

4 years

Studio Name

I am a professional photographer with over 30 years of experience in various areas of FOOD photography and videography

📸Food for packaging
Advertising posters
Cookbooks & Magazines
Storytelling & Social Media

The technical quality, creative design and professionalism are important to me in my pictures.

Thanks to my experience, I can provide you with the best possible support in the implementation of your project, in strengthening and making your BRAND visible.

I have my own photo studio with a kitchen, but I also like to be on location. I work with the latest digital equipment and am always up to date on trends and developments in my field. I am flexible, reliable and customer-oriented. My goal is to support my clients' marketing goals with my photography and to optimally represent their food brands.

Winning photos

A shot created for the cover of an Austrian Magazin " GENUSS" -- the topic if this issue was about seafood. Food styling by @Saša Acanovič .

53rd Collection

A shot created for the cover of an Austrian Magazin " GENUSS" - the topic of this issue was about cheese.
Food styling by @Saša Acanovič

53rd Collection

This shot was done for a portfolio about the ketogenic diet. Done in my studio in collaboration with food stylist: Sabine Hasenauer and Stylist: Miriam Eberhard This was our first collaboration. Hopefully, there are many more to come.

52nd Collection