Juan Virguez




🇵🇦 Panama

Also serving:

Miami (The United States)



Selected photos in 2024

TOP3 photographer in 2024




Grand Master of Photography

1st place in Panama

41st place in The United States

With us

1 year

Studio Name

Capitolio Producciones

Capture time, make the moment a myth. Letting oneself be inspired by the beauty that is expressed beyond what is seen, is to portray the meaning, the story, that is what Juan Virgüez does when he dedicates himself to discovering through the camera a new chapter for creation.

Loaded with professionalism, commitment and passion for photography, he follows his natural instinct to compose a unique atmosphere, making the extraordinary use of his technique which will be reflected in photographs that will become immortal and unique.

His secret is teamwork, he has great empathy and personality. Always full of patience, kindness and generosity, he will allow you to be part of the process, where the artist will be you, the protagonist will be the moment. Born ambassador of creative confluence.

Juan Virgüez is a sensible photographer, endlessly creative, reinventing himself at all times, always ready to offer the best of himself. His passion for gastronomic and portrait photography drives him to capture moments that are beyond words and that are the surreal visual hymn. His art is the echo of what was and what will always be, through shadows, lights, colors, textures and extensive visual possibilities.

For Juan Virgüez, the muse will always be the search for the creation of new images in which clean aesthetics and a lot of creativity prevail. For him there is no effort in his art and he considers that everything he does to make an image memorable will be worth it for him and his team.

Winning photos

Magic in photography is something that has always been present in all my works, as photographers we sell illusions, we recreate sensations, we surprise the consumer by awakening all these sensations in their mind.
Photographer, Creative Director, Digital Retouching : Juan Virguez
Canon R5 / Godox light

95th Collection

The combination between coffee and donuts began in 1950 in Quincy Massachusetts, United States, the creative genius was Bill Rosenberg who taught us that donuts and coffee would forever be the perfect marriage.
Flying Food Photographer, Creative Director, Digital Retouching : Juan Virguez
Canon R5 / Godox light

95th Collection

Iconic photograph of a product that allowed me to play just by reading the logo, it is a refreshing image, an invitation to enjoy and quench thirst, commercial photography.
Photographer, Creative Director: Juan Virguez
Canon R5 / Godox light

95th Collection

I have always been passionate about creating monochrome images, having a black product on a black background is challenging, the conceptualization of an elegant image, a different way of representing a product like beer with a style more related to other types of alcoholic beverages.
Photographer, Creative Director: Juan Virguez
Canon R5 / Godox light.

95th Collection

Fotografía en alta velocidad, integrando los ingredientes del producto a la direccion de arte, propuesta de ambiente minimalista, centrando la atención en la acción sin distracciones en el mensaje.
Fotógrafo, Concepto creativo, Maquillaje de producto y Retoque digital: Juan Virguez
Canon R5 / Godox light.

High-speed photography, integrating the ingredients of the product to the art direction, a proposal for a minimalist environment, focusing attention on the action without distractions on the message.
Photographer, Creative concept, Makeup product, High-end Retouching: Juan Virguez
Canon R5 / Godox light.

94th Collection

Freezing the moment in which an action occurs is always highly attractive to the human eye, transforming liquids into glass, appreciating in detail what is not possible with the naked eye, manages to activate taste memory in the viewer, increasing the appetite appeal.
Creativity, composting, retouching and photography by Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

Congelar el momento en el que ocurre una acción siempre es de gran atractivo para el ojo humano, transformar líquidos en cristal, apreciar en detalle lo que a simple vista no es posible, logra activar en el espectador la memoria gustativa aumentando el atractivo y el deseo.
Creatividad, composting, retoque y fotografía por Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

93rd Collection

Breaking down a recipe and using the elements as part of the art directly impacts the viewer, managing to understand the work in seconds, levitating these ingredients that are entering the can causing a splash, leaving the understanding that together these ingredients create the iconic Campbells soup.
Creativity, composting, retouching and photography by Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

Descomponer una receta y usar los elementos como parte del arte impacta directamente en el espectador logrando en segundos entender la obra, hacer levitar estos ingredientes que van entrando a la lata provocando splash dejan al entendimiento que juntos estos ingredientes crean la icónica sopa Campbells.
Creatividad, composting, retoque y fotografía por Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

93rd Collection

Conceptualizar una imagen que te invite a mirar varias veces y siempre descubrir un nuevo detalle es el objetivo de mi obra, la pasión por crear la ilusión de hacer levitar los alimentos es la característica principal en la comunicación de mi trabajo.
Creatividad, composting, retoque y fotografía por Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

Conceptualizing an image that invites you to look several times and always discover a new detail is the objective of my work. The passion to create the illusion of making food levitate is the main characteristic in the communication of my work.
Creativity, composting, retouching and photography by Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

93rd Collection

When a photograph fails to communicate something, it is doomed to become a simple record of something.
In Latin America, beer is consumed very cold.
Creativity, Photography, compositing, and retouching by Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

Cuándo una fotografía no logra comunicar algo, está condenada a convertirse en un simple registro de algo.
En Latinoamérica la cerveza se consume bien fría.
Creatividad, Fotografía, compositing, y retoque por Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

92nd Collection

A completely colorful image with a neutral background, aimed at a children's target, playing with the psychology of color to increase desire.
Photography, composting, and retouching by Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

Una imagen completamente colorida con un background neutro, dirigida a un target infantil, jugando con la psicología del color para aumentar el deseo.
Fotografía, composting, y retoque por Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

92nd Collection

High speed at its best, conceptually it is a purist work in which the gaze creates a loop between the splash and the contents of the glass.
Creativity, Photography, compositing, and retouching by Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

Alta velocidad en su máximo esplendor, conceptualmente es una obra purista en la que la mirada crea un loop entre el splash y el contenido del vaso.
Creatividad, Fotografía, compositing, y retoque por Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

91st Collection

A work resulting from mixing high-speed photography and layered retouching, a true underwater creation.
Creativity, Photography, compositing, and retouching by Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

Una obra resultante al mezclar la fotografía en alta velocidad y el retoque en capas, una verdadera creación bajo el agua.
Creatividad, Fotografía, compositing, y retoque por Juan Virgüez
Canon R5 / Flash Godox

91st Collection

The playful game between the contrasting softness of the enveloping liquids like snakes, the rigidity of the transparent and sharp glass like the object of desire, supported by provocative sweet and red apples, is an invitation to sin, this work symbolizes original sin.

Photographer: Juan Virgüez
Art director / food styling: Juan Virgüez
Compositing/retouching: Juan Virgüez
Photographed with canon R5 / Godox flashlight

90th Collection

Creating an impressive image that would captivate the viewer, inviting them to turn their gaze over and over again, was the initial approach, the objective was clear, and the challenge was focused on the mix of techniques we wanted for this image, flying food, hi speed photography, splash, and power.

The result you see is the product of the efforts of all of us who participated in this project, my art director and food styling Leticia Esteves, and my photography assistant and right-hand woman Susana Gow, without you this would not be possible.

Photographer: Juan Virguez
Art director/food styling: Leticia Esteves
Photography assistant: Susana Gow
Compositing/retouching: Juan Virguez
Photographed with canon R5 / Godox flashlight

90th Collection

Name of the cocktail "UN CLAVO", you will love, Espadín Reposado, Botánico Drambuie.
Ingredients: Cardamom, vanilla, the caviar of great Marnier

Photographed with Canon R5 / Hi speed / Godox flashlight

89th Collection

My incessant search for motion capture has become a fundamental characteristic of my work, simple compositions, in which the protagonist is accompanied by the moving element.

Photographed with canon R5 / Godox flashlight

89th Collection

Sushi in Latin America is a fusion of flavors and ingredients, a combination of textures and a lot of colors resulting in a feast of flavors on the palate, the sweet sauce, the creaminess of the avocado, the crispiness of the cucumber blend with the intensity of the flavor of the crab.

Photographed with Canon R5 / Godox flashlight

89th Collection