Roena Ahmed




🇨🇦 Canada

Also serving:

Dhaka (Bangladesh)


Senior Member

1 left until the Grand Member

1st place in Canada

31st place in Bangladesh

With us

1 year

Studio Name

Roena Mahjabeen

Im a food and stilllife photographer. Im an admirer of light. To play with light and shadow is my passion. I love to create a dramatic ambience in my food portraits that It can tell a beautiful story and gives a delightful feeling to my viewers.

Winning photos

Toast to start a beautiful day

94th Collection

Apples fresh from the tree

94th Collection

Japanese Ramen

93rd Collection

Afgani famous Kabuli Polao

93rd Collection

Lilac and the blueberry drink

92nd Collection

A beautiful vintage kitchen

92nd Collection

Refreshing lemon mohito. The best way to cool-off on a really really hot summer day.

92nd Collection

Tulsi tea.. A very refreshing beverage, and it has some wonderful health benefit.Tulsi is a herb that is commonly found in south asia and that is why this herbal tea is very popular in India, Bangladesh and some other neighbouring countries.. The beautiful colour of this tea gave me inspiration to do this moody photography

91st Collection

Homemade pasta is not only fresh but also far more delicious than the store bought ones..

91st Collection