Mihails Pavlenko




🇱🇻 Latvia

Also serving:

Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Minimum price/hours

130$ per hour | 3 hours minimum



Selected photos in 2024



Selected photos in 2023



Selected photos in 2022

TOP10 photographer in 2024

TOP3 photographer in 2023

TOP10 photographer in 2022


Grand Master of Photography

1st place in Latvia

15th place in Germany

With us

5 years

Studio Name

Mihail Foodphotographerlv

Award trophies

Mihails Pavlenko is a talanted professional food photographer from Riga, Latvia. He specializes in food photography (restaurants, magazines, brands, cookbooks), as well as product and interior photography.

Winning photos

Well, is it life without a burger? Do you disagree? A photo shoot of juicy burger with beef meat for @bella_bella_cafe in Riga, Latvia.

74th Collection

Let's start this day with appetizing syrniki (cottage cheese pancakes) in TB Palace restaurant @tbpalace1 located in Jurmala, Latvia.

73rd Collection

Ciabatta. Can you smell it? The smell of freshly baked bread is most recognizable and memorable. The Ciabatta was invented in 1982.
iso160 f 1/7 1/160

73rd Collection

Photoshoot of drinkable whole berries product for Roberts Berrie Baltic @roberts_berrie .
@robertsberrie Finland made Wild Bilberry product.

72nd Collection

Fresh Mozzarella on ciabatta with cherry tomatoes, basil and avocado sauce. Share how do you eat/ prepare mozzarella?
Photo of @granarolo @granarolobaltics product.

69th Collection

Photoshoot of Skriveru Saldumi @skriverusaldumi product. Marzipan in chocolate with strawberry flavour. Delicious almond paste with real Belgian chocolate.

68th Collection

Photoshoot of the Skriveru Saldumi @skriverusaldumi product, Latvian chocolate producer. Tasty sweet cherries in dark chocolate.

66th Collection

Photo shoot of crispbreads - product of Daugulis ( @daugulis.bakery ), Latvian bakery producer. Crispbreads with sea salt are healthy and easy to prepare snack in everyday life.

66th Collection

Tea time with sweet small cakes and hot tea in a teapot. I wanted to get the image with the effect of the levitation. I guess I did it.

62nd Collection

Do you have any memories of childhood? I do, and it's a home-baked potato. I used an old frying pan and the fence for imitation of the old table.
Technical info 1/160s, f/9, iso 200

62nd Collection

Relax Mixture from perfectly natural ingredients (grapefruit and cranberry ). Product shooting for @schukinlab. Technical data 1/160, iso 100, f/9

61st Collection