Seventy-Sixth Collection

Platter Addict–food enthusiasts who won’t stop till we find the perfect platter.
Curating a platter is like bringing people together. You need to understand their individual flavours and textures in order to know whether they blend well naturally to create a meaningful experience ???? That’s why we dedicate our time to tasting and testing countless combinations, to bring you the perfect platter.

Turbot, Truffles and Beurre Black, so beautiful presented by chef Eric Vildgaard at 2 star michelin restaurant JORDNÆR i Gentofte, Denmark.

Studio photography with food stylist @janetmitchellstylist working on beer. Being creative with one @bowens light in a way it illuminates the food and highlights the beer in the glass. Ask me how ???
Photographed with Canon @canonaustralia
Loving the golden toned calamari which certainly was a treat to eat afterwards, along with the cool crips beer.
Perfectly planned the shoot on a Friday, so drinks allowed.

Eihire, a Japanese delicacy of grilled stingray fin. The cut strips of the fin are served with Japanese mayonnaise and dried ground chili.

Elements such as symmetry, color and low light are characterizing in this photo. Recipe by Michelin starred chef Ciro Scamardella

Tiramisu is one of Italy's most famous desserts! No wonder that making a cake out of it, is quite a big succes. Such a treat to eat and to shoot, preferably in different order!

Me gusta componer mis fotos con formas y texturas con perfectas armonías desde lo natural, al momento de capturar una fotografía es importante que reflejen su esencia o su significado y más si el alimento lo tiene, por medio de mi lente busco darle todo ese valor: Según la antigua Grecia, los higos se consideraban un fruto sagrado y también símbolo de fertilidad y Amor.

It's time for cake. All you need is some flour, eggs, a glass of milk and some patience. A photo shoot of Latvian @herkuless_latvija flour product.

A beautiful, delicious and healthy breakfast toasts.
I like to choose a healthier version of almond (or hazelnut) butter instead of peanuts and all the fruit or berry I have at hand. Green apples and kiwi this time.

I love photographing bottles, and also monochrome, that's why I decided to create this photo where the setting gives a sense of elegance and makes you understand that the product is elite.

Luxurious and elegant was the concept for this capture as befitting of the brand so chose a suitable backdrop to further enhance the look.
Domenico Stile Michelin Starred Chef in Enoteca La Torre - Rome / Italy.
And The dish:
Pennette di Gragnano with salmon trout sauce, beurre blanc, mezcal gel and black bergamot. Tribute to vodka and salmon.

Tender perfectly roasted pork with roasties, smoked garlic honey glazed parsnips, carrots, greens, Yorkie, and homemade gravy.
Chef Chris Murrey
Photographed for @roastwham

A photo that invites us to delight ourselves at first sight thanks to its variety of colors and flavors. An image that can definitely make you hungry within seconds.

Thanks to @aduadus, @juliatomacheski, and @organize_edesign for ice cream, milkshake, and Kahlua wrangling. Shot for National Coffee Milkshake Day.

One photo from the collection I created for Valentine's Day 2022. In the collection you can find powerful scenes that are meant to highlight that success to a good relationship is not about flowers and chocolate but clearly showing attention for each other on many different levels.

An individual Lunar New Year gathering. This was inspired by more product-style photography and was shot with one speedlight and one pair of hands.

A fast shot of my dinner which indicates how much I long for the warm season and colors of it. I've chosen quite shallow depth of field for this flatlay to blur the flowers and give more depth to the scene and colder-toned backdrop as a balance for colorful salad and drinks.

‘Summer Tomatoes’
The goal here was for a moody shot that helped convey the warmth of summer, the richness of the beautiful flavour of these cherry tomatoes, and the rustic feel of a Tuscan kitchen in the late afternoon.

Image created for the launch campaign for a new cake flavor for Noe Valley Bakery.
This Pink Lemonade cake inspired the bright yellow set with red and green accents, creating the color gradient in the background is all done in camera with gels. Hope you enjoy!

Historical account of a picture. In the last century, Absinthe was considered the liqueur of the damned poets, addicted to drugs and the intoxication of a psychotic ingredient contained in the Artemisia distillate. He called himself the "green fairy" because he was believed to cause hallucinations and for this he was banned from the trade. It was preferably consumed after 5 in the afternoon, until 7, in what began to be called "the green hour". To drink it, it was mixed with water and served by pouring it on a sugar cube placed on a perforated teaspoon placed on the mouth of the glass, then burning the cube. It is said that Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night" was painted under the effect of absinthe and Oscar Wilde said "" After the first glass, you see things as you wish. After the second, you see things as they are not. Finally, you see things as they really are, which is the most horrible thing in the world. "

To celebrate the opening of my photography studio, I did a portfolio shoot themed around 'Friday beers'. Originally destined to be a bold greyscale shot, I decided to leave the original colours intact.

Cold winter days call for warm mugs of golden milk. This golden milk is infused turmeric spice and perfectly sweetened with maple syrup, vanilla and cinnamon. It's self care for the body and soul.

Making these beautiful cakes is a long process that takes a lot of skill, effort and results in a lot of mess. Zero gravity is definitely a life saver.
Whole roasted cauliflower served with a few drops of high quality pumpkin seed oil makes a perfect starter or main dish.
Photo taken with a natural light, client work.

Antipasto and cheese platters are a frequent sighting in our house. It's an easy meal requring minimum effort. Great for dinner with the family or entertaining guests.....and even better when consumed with a good quality wine.

Photograph produced to promote @cafebrasiloriginal.
Used equipment:
Nikon D850
AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED
1/250 - f/10 - Godox Ad200Pro

Delicious waffles with pomegranate seeds, berries, and maple syrup and a little bit of chocolate on the side the only decision left is whether to serve them with ice cream or yoghurt. The lines in the image leads the viewer around the frame taking in all the details, from the texture of the frozen berries to multiple forks indicating that this image is part of a larger scene, perhaps a table with more people and more waffles!

As a Dutchie, born and raised in the Netherlands but Moluccan roots, I am inspired by all the great painters our country has. I love to create a still life setting and capture them.