Kristina Kasting

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Nanaimo, Canada Also serving: Vilnius (Lithuania)

A born visual storyteller, I have always been driven to create. From my earliest years, I eagerly participated in art competitions at school, excelling on both regional and national stages. With an infectious enthusiasm and approachability, I am an active artist who wholeheartedly embraced the path of Arts & Design studies as the most natural trajectory for my career – as natural as being true to oneself. Over seven years ago, I eagerly grasped my DSLR camera, embarking on a transformative journey into the captivating realm of photography. With each click of the shutter, I delved deeper into the intricate dance between lenses, focal lengths, and angles, striving to encapsulate the very essence of the subjects before my lens. This artistic voyage, however, was only the beginning of a fascination that has led me to where I stand today. With an unquenchable thirst for learning, I find myself still unraveling the vast tapestry of possibilities that photography has to offer. The uncharted waters of food and product photography beckon, promising a symphony of visual storytelling that resonates with my fervent devotion to plant-based recipe creations. The prospect of encapsulating the textures, colors, and details of food with the same ardor that fuels my culinary explorations is a pursuit that ignites my creativity anew. As my journey evolves, I remain deeply committed to honing my craft, mastering each nuance, and unearthing the innate artistry that lies within each captured moment. With every frame, I strive to convey not just what I see, but the emotions, narratives, and stories that breathe life into the stillness of an image. And so, I embark on the next chapter of my photographic odyssey, eager to intertwine my passion for plant-based culinary delights with the limitless canvas of photography.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours

350$ | 1 hour

A born visual storyteller, I have always been driven to create. From my earliest years, I eagerly participated in art competitions at school, excelling on both regional and national stages. With an infectious enthusiasm and approachability, I am an active artist who wholeheartedly embraced the path of Arts & Design studies as the most natural trajectory for my career – as natural as being true to oneself. Over seven years ago, I eagerly grasped my DSLR camera, embarking on a transformative journey into the captivating realm of photography. With each click of the shutter, I delved deeper into the intricate dance between lenses, focal lengths, and angles, striving to encapsulate the very essence of the subjects before my lens. This artistic voyage, however, was only the beginning of a fascination that has led me to where I stand today. With an unquenchable thirst for learning, I find myself still unraveling the vast tapestry of possibilities that photography has to offer. The uncharted waters of food and product photography beckon, promising a symphony of visual storytelling that resonates with my fervent devotion to plant-based recipe creations. The prospect of encapsulating the textures, colors, and details of food with the same ardor that fuels my culinary explorations is a pursuit that ignites my creativity anew. As my journey evolves, I remain deeply committed to honing my craft, mastering each nuance, and unearthing the innate artistry that lies within each captured moment. With every frame, I strive to convey not just what I see, but the emotions, narratives, and stories that breathe life into the stillness of an image. And so, I embark on the next chapter of my photographic odyssey, eager to intertwine my passion for plant-based culinary delights with the limitless canvas of photography.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours

350$ per hour

Christine Daller

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Salzburg, Austria Also serving: Linz (Austria)

"Every picture tells a story. What's yours?" I am a passionate Photographer in Food, Product and Stilllife Photography. My mission is to create photographs that are mouthwatering and express a special mood. I carefully plan, design, and style food photo shoots, ensuring every element harmonizes perfectly to express the intended message. I love photographing in a dark, moody and chiaroscuro style. I also enjoy creative, innovative shootings and action shots with artificial lights in my Home Studio. I studied Paedagogy, focused on Digital Media and live in Salzburg City. German Version: "Jedes Bild erzählt eine Geschichte. Was ist DEINE?" Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche Fotografin für Food-, Produkt- und Stilllebenfotografie. Meine Mission ist es, Fotos zu erstellen, die uns das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen lassen und eine besondere Stimmung ausdrücken. Ich plane, gestalte und style Fotoshootings immer sorgfältig, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Element perfekt miteinander harmoniert und die beabsichtigte Botschaft ankommt. Ich liebe es in einem dunklen, stimmungsvollen Stil zu fotografieren, aber verfolge ebenso kreative, innovative Ideen und Actionshots. Ich fotografiere Tageslicht unabhängig in meinem Heimstudio. Ich habe Pädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Medien studiert und lebe im wunderschönen Salzburg.


Selected photos

"Every picture tells a story. What's yours?" I am a passionate Photographer in Food, Product and Stilllife Photography. My mission is to create photographs that are mouthwatering and express a special mood. I carefully plan, design, and style food photo shoots, ensuring every element harmonizes perfectly to express the intended message. I love photographing in a dark, moody and chiaroscuro style. I also enjoy creative, innovative shootings and action shots with artificial lights in my Home Studio. I studied Paedagogy, focused on Digital Media and live in Salzburg City. German Version: "Jedes Bild erzählt eine Geschichte. Was ist DEINE?" Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche Fotografin für Food-, Produkt- und Stilllebenfotografie. Meine Mission ist es, Fotos zu erstellen, die uns das Wasser im Mund zusammenlaufen lassen und eine besondere Stimmung ausdrücken. Ich plane, gestalte und style Fotoshootings immer sorgfältig, um sicherzustellen, dass jedes Element perfekt miteinander harmoniert und die beabsichtigte Botschaft ankommt. Ich liebe es in einem dunklen, stimmungsvollen Stil zu fotografieren, aber verfolge ebenso kreative, innovative Ideen und Actionshots. Ich fotografiere Tageslicht unabhängig in meinem Heimstudio. Ich habe Pädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Medien studiert und lebe im wunderschönen Salzburg.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours


Silvia Monopoli

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Rome, Italy

My name is Silvia, passionate about food photography, still-life, blogger from Cortomaldestro my cooking stories. I currently live and work in Rome. My blog is my creative outlet that combines my passion for photography and cooking. It is a corner where I write, recreate and share traditional recipes, healthy or with unusual flavors. A cooking enthusiast with an emotionally curious mind. This sums up who I am in my pursuit of my creative expression. I would like my photos to inspire you to see a story, a memory, a moment captured in the imagination. My mission is to help food brands stand out and enhance their identity by creating photos that are not only beautiful to look at, but also evoke something deeply emotional.


Selected photos

My name is Silvia, passionate about food photography, still-life, blogger from Cortomaldestro my cooking stories. I currently live and work in Rome. My blog is my creative outlet that combines my passion for photography and cooking. It is a corner where I write, recreate and share traditional recipes, healthy or with unusual flavors. A cooking enthusiast with an emotionally curious mind. This sums up who I am in my pursuit of my creative expression. I would like my photos to inspire you to see a story, a memory, a moment captured in the imagination. My mission is to help food brands stand out and enhance their identity by creating photos that are not only beautiful to look at, but also evoke something deeply emotional.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours


Javier Hurtado

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Miami, The United States

About Me Hello! I’m Javier, a passionate product and food photographer based in the vibrant city of Miami. My journey into the world of photography began with a simple love for capturing the beauty around me. Over the years, this passion has evolved into a dedicated career where I get to combine my artistic vision with the technical aspects of photography. My Philosophy Photography, for me, is more than just taking pictures; it's about telling a story. Every product and dish has its own unique narrative, and my goal is to highlight that through my lens. I believe in the power of visuals to evoke emotions, create desire, and communicate the essence of a brand. Expertise With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of composition, lighting, and styling, I specialize in creating stunning visuals that not only showcase the aesthetics of products and food but also capture their essence. Whether it’s the intricate design of a luxury item or the mouth-watering appeal of a gourmet dish, I strive to bring out the best in every subject. Experience I have had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of clients, from local restaurants and food brands to international product manufacturers. Each project has been an opportunity to push creative boundaries and deliver high-quality images that meet and exceed client expectations. My work has been featured in various publications and advertising campaigns, helping brands connect with their audience in a visually compelling way. Why Miami? Miami is a city that’s bursting with life, culture, and an incredible culinary scene. The vibrant atmosphere and diverse influences make it the perfect backdrop for my work. Being based in Miami allows me to draw inspiration from the city's dynamic energy and unique flavors, which I infuse into every shoot.


Selected photos

About Me Hello! I’m Javier, a passionate product and food photographer based in the vibrant city of Miami. My journey into the world of photography began with a simple love for capturing the beauty around me. Over the years, this passion has evolved into a dedicated career where I get to combine my artistic vision with the technical aspects of photography. My Philosophy Photography, for me, is more than just taking pictures; it's about telling a story. Every product and dish has its own unique narrative, and my goal is to highlight that through my lens. I believe in the power of visuals to evoke emotions, create desire, and communicate the essence of a brand. Expertise With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of composition, lighting, and styling, I specialize in creating stunning visuals that not only showcase the aesthetics of products and food but also capture their essence. Whether it’s the intricate design of a luxury item or the mouth-watering appeal of a gourmet dish, I strive to bring out the best in every subject. Experience I have had the pleasure of working with a diverse range of clients, from local restaurants and food brands to international product manufacturers. Each project has been an opportunity to push creative boundaries and deliver high-quality images that meet and exceed client expectations. My work has been featured in various publications and advertising campaigns, helping brands connect with their audience in a visually compelling way. Why Miami? Miami is a city that’s bursting with life, culture, and an incredible culinary scene. The vibrant atmosphere and diverse influences make it the perfect backdrop for my work. Being based in Miami allows me to draw inspiration from the city's dynamic energy and unique flavors, which I infuse into every shoot.


Selected photos

Minimum price/hours


Flaming Jalapeño Delight! 
Flames encircling the glass are skillfully shot to create a dynamic and...