Fourth Collection

I had this black background that I really like and wanted to get a good use of it by placing something very colorful on top in order to create great contrast.
Luckily I live in California where spring comes earlier than in most places, and a simple trip to the farmers' market in the middle of January was all I needed to find what I was looking for.
The difficult part of the shot was taking care of the carrots' leaves. Even though they are pretty nice and full, once you lay them flat they loose a lot of their appeal. I had to move them around quite a bit and also had to place some kind of supports underneath them.
After several trials I was able to get the shot the way I had envisioned it.

This stack of cannoli (KNEAD & CO pasta bar + market) was photographed at Grand Central Market in downtown Los Angeles. I wanted to be playful with the geometry of the cannoli and the background, so this arrangement seemed to be a natural fit. The low angle and shallow depth of field helped isolate the cannoli on the relatively shallow counter used by diners. Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art lens (1/125 sec, f/2.8, ISO 400). On-camera flash was bounced off the ceiling.

Gingerbread cookies - the picture was made for the christmassy issue of the Gluten Free Heaven Magazine, aiming to show gluten-free cookies as tasty as they can be.

There's just something about the combination of salty, warm broth, the silkiness of wonton wrappers and the juiciness of the filling that can cure just about any bout of bad feeling.

Minty plant based green cake captured inside the Orchard St, Organic store in Bondi Beach. All cakes designed to be closest to nature and environment as possible.

Sometimes foodstyling comes easily. This raw chocolate buckwheat porridge looked delicious as it is, shot overhead with a nice spoon and some cocoa nibs fallen on the table.

This was such a fun photo shoot to do! It was a delicious no bake chocolate mousse cake with Hemp Heart Crust that was created for a client's health food line. The were highlighting their Hemp Heart line in honour of Heart Month and Valentine's Day. After I had all the required shots for the client, I decided to have some fun and got a little messy with all the berries!

To continue a series of healthy cookbooks, this Creamy Guacamole with Baked Tortilla Chips - part of Healthy Family Recipes cookbook - is a lower fat, lower sodium combination with a ton of essential fatty acids, calcium and magnesium.

Spice of life is love ... sharing... making food for your loved ones . To me, it can simply be defined as serving a healthy and visually pleasant breakfast for my husband and I right on our lovely rosewood table. I looked in my fridge for foods with colours and hidden nutritions and I just spiced it up with some love and presentation skills. That morning, we didn’t need fancy food because luxurious love was in the air.

Sopa de Albondigas (Mexican meatball soup) is the perfect comfort food for wintry evenings. I love its hearty feeling and rich flavors that warm me up from the inside.

I have made this raspberry jam for Valentine's day and gave all the jars away to friends and colleagues. I believe in spreading the love on Valentine's day and every day. This photo was taken the day after I made the jam. I loved the red and the natural wood against the white and the round jars in the round board. The magic light of a cloudy Sunday morning did the rest.

I always find Beauty in Food... I was working on a shooting for the local market producers and I chose those stunning artichokes, arranging them in a very simple recipe with a parsley-garlic and bacon filling and a generous handful of parmesan cheese. I was really struck by the wide range of green hues and by the burgundy shades which I wanted to enhance. PS They were delicious as well!

This picture was taken last year in spring and is part of my masterthesis "Food -Photography". It shows in a simple way that natural framing elements can give the viewer the sense of depth. The view is drawn to the center of the frame.

I saw a recipe for a light version of hollandaise made from yoghurt, tumric and horseradish and had to try it with poached eggs and smoked salmon. It came out delicious and totally guilt free.

This picture is a special one for me! It shows a fondant cake topper, hand-infused with coffee and decorated with gold, bronze, sugar crystals and truffles. Fondant is not a fan of moisture, so the base took several days of careful dabbing and drying to get the final overall effect as I wanted it. I made it for my birthday and took the finished cake - a three layer coffee buttercream cake with this as the crowning glory - into work to share with friends! I was particularly pleased with how it turned out and liked the mixed textures of whole and crushed truffles on top.

This is my luckiest photo. Firstly because the set is my scarf being weighed down by cheese knives on a window sill with the perfect amount of sunlight coming through and secondly because it came together in about 20 minutes. With so many other photo's you slave to get the right one. Instead for this I came up with the idea to make pancakes and took the photo within the first 5 shots. So funny how life works like that. I wish every photo was a happy accident, but then maybe it wouldn't be as fun.

I wanted to create a delicious and fibrous dessert. I did not use any sugar or artificial flavoring but rather dates, blackberries and dark chocolate to sweeten, coconut and orange zest to finish.
The muffins themselves contain flax, beets, bee pollen and coconut flour. They are sustaining, delicious and a treat whilst maintaining a complete nutritional profile!

For this session I teamed up with the talented Swiss chef Moritz Stiefel. His idea behind this dish was to show the pure essence of the forest, both visually and also by using the Umami taste of mushrooms in the purèe and soup.
In this photo I wanted to create a link with the ingredients by using warm colours and lights. Also the wooden background plays a role in matching the overall mood with its texture and color.
The chef’s hand carefully pouring the broth makes this image feel more alive.

This simple tartlet is one of my favorite snacks to make and my friends and family loves them.
I ate a variation on it at Savoy Cabbage in Cape Town in 2005 and we've been enjoying them since.
You can add anything you feel like to them and can be done in advance for a large party.<

This is an image of an interesting beet tartare dish that I shot for a small Italian restaurant in South Miami. It's made with oven roasted beets, mache greens, and gorgonzola cheese in a champagne vinaigrette. Very tasty and well presented!

Typical portuguese food canned fish (different type os fishes) "Conservas".
The passion for the sea has always been a symbol and brand of the Portuguese people. This passion was born more than a century ago, the canning industry, “Indústria Conserveira”, using several fishes like sardine, tuna, codfish or mackerel with different sauces like tomate and olive oil.
The tradition dates back to the late nineteenth century, in Vila Real de Santo António, when men were at sea and brought fish to be stored and consumed later, particularly in the toughest times of winter.

I held my sprinkled caramel apple into the air to snap a photo and this happened. I think the result was really neat-especially how the ferris wheel frames the apple. While planning out a shot is fun, there's something to be said for those on-a-whim decisions!

The cranberries were picked by myself last autumn in the swamps close by my parents’ place in the countryside. The cranberry ”candies” are a simple delight that my grandmother used to make. The icing sugar on the icy cranberries creates a wonderful balance of tastes.

I was experimenting with black and red rice for the first time and made this coconut water risotto with black beans and portobello mushrooms. After shooting a lot of dark backgrounded photos I wanted to try something more cheerful and light.

Come on every fruit! You are going to represent the harvests of the island! Wash up well! The chef will make you look good! The smile on your face and Cheese! (Even you are not the milk products…) The image was shot for Maui No Ka ‘Oi Magazine at Banyan Tree Restaurant, The Ritz-Carlton Kapalua.

I left France for a year in Australia with all my photographic equipment. I didn't care about the amount of clothes I was going to take with me, the most important was to have everything concerning photography !! When I arrived in Australia, I was au pair in a great family and their house was fantastic, it was a really creative space with a lot of light. One day, I saw this incredible light in the living room and I decided to take pictures during my free time. I was in a very "healthy period" and the weather was so hot that I decided to make a green smoothie with fresh and seasonal products. I let the background simple but efficient. Indeed, I love using wood as a prop cause it's raw and natural, as well as the smoothie I just made !

On a whirlwind trip to New York City over a weekend, I was scouting for unique and quirky restaurants serving Michelin-star food. I stumbled upon the 2 Michelin-star 'Jungsik' serving contemporary and innovative Korean cuisine. Cutting-edge Korean food sounded super exotic. The meals were designed to be sampled over multiple servings. Each serving outdid the other with its use of creative ingredients. Featured here is a mix of Korean-style Hors d'oeuvres, packing intense flavors.

This blueberry mousse was created as a plant-based alternative to conventional patisserie choices and another add-up to the multiple uses of the delicious and healthy blueberries. Served with homemade granola for a crunchy bite, this mousse is smooth and fruity, slightly sweetened to balance with the sourness of berries, but keeping its taste as fresh as its vivid colour! The right alternative to a fancy breakfast or afternoon snack. Healthy, natural & pure food!