Eighty-Fourth Collection
Jasmine Tea, or locally known as Teh Melati, is a popular kind of tea in Indonesia. This brewed tea is poured into stacked tea cups. Some bubbles were forming as results of pouring from a distance. Decorated with a jasmine flower and its leaves, picked from my home garden.

If it's hot, just try @originallongdrink drink. Photo shoot of the gin drink in a small bath. Big thanks to @originallongdrink.lv for the product.

Created for Pizzarelli as part of their 40th Anniversary Campaign focusing on their fresh ingredients and dedicated preparation of each pizza pie. Lit with strobes to freeze the motion as well as an Arri Tungsten Fresnel for the warm rim.

I’m a sucker for still life photography, so when I found these fresh tangerines in the market with leaves and stalks , I immediately grabbed a boxful to do a stilllife Photoshoot with them. Shot in natural light.

Coconut milk is one signature ingredient in Indonesian cuisine. Using freshly made coconut milk is still preferred by some people, even though it is a pretty exhausting process.
Here the milk is extracted by hand-squeezing the grated coconut that has been mixed with warm water. A traditional bamboo strainer specially made for coconut milk is used to catch the loose coconut from falling into the extracted liquid. A set of traditional tin measuring cups commonly used to measure coconut milk is shown in the scene.

More areas with the different deep of field.
This create more realism.
Colors, shadow and blurs help to work for catch the focus on the producs.
Shoot by nikon d810, 3 strobo lights.

I was very lucky to be selected by Roku Gin to shoot this visual at one of the best bars in Malaysia. It’s for a campaign on spring season to promote the cocktail by Gin. Done this with 3 lights.

Best beer in the town. Photo shoot of Latvian beer producer Uzavas Alus @uzavas.alus product. Upside down photo of glass with spalshes.

Rebuli Prosecco DOCG - Autum Series
Fujifilm X-Photographer: https://fujifilm-x.com/en-us/photographers/marco-tortato/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/YorickPhotography
IG: @yorick_food_and_wine

Levitation picture of a bowl of frozen peas and mint.
Green on black is a personal favourite, I used only one light source to highlight the bright green subject but at the same time trying to blend it into the black background.

I love starting my day with a steaming cup of matcha green tea. Because studies have revealed a variety of health benefits associated with matcha and its components, ranging from enhancing weight loss to decreasing the risk of heart disease. And it is very tasty.
Arturo Sanchez Iberico Jamon - Caught at the "The Best Chefs Award" Madrid 2022 event. Casa Jose Party night in Aranjuez - Spain.

This dish is part of the new fall 2022 menu from high-end caterer Famous Flavours in the Netherlands. Chef Jasper Gronert made this beautiful dish. Mullet | Curry | Kohlrabi | Jalapeño

Blue oil splashes individually photographed and combined to create an image collage. The image depicts impressions of jellyfish in the water.

Choosing colours from the Sturia Caviar branding, creates a bold aesthetic for this delicate canapé. Collaboration with Scottish chef, Fraser Cameron. Sturia caviar blini, creme fraiche and petals.

This print was a wedding gift for some good friends; she likes bagels and cream cheese, and he loves ketchup. 8 photo composite.

Seasonal photoshoot with Octoberfest vibes, layering for 3-dimensionality using colourful leaves and typical items of a true feast for pretzels and beer.

A flourless lemon and almond cake. An impromptu shoot shot with one speedlight. Whenever I use an icing sugar icing in my images, I always make it extra thick. It eventually evens itself out and any drips created move slow enough for them to solidify before they create a puddle on the plate.

A composite food levitation photograph. One light from behind with dark flag, one light from right with a reflector from left. The pouring sauce is to add dynamism to the entire composition.

Image created for Peet's Coffee to introduce their new packaging design initiative. One of a series that shows the new bag, boxes and capsules.

Summer is long gone however I am not ready to say no to the fresh water with fruit. Especially if we are talking about mix of mint and strawberries.

Coffee, coffee, coffee... I just want to make a picture to feel the smell of the coffee just wake up! Only problems with reflection but I love make this kind of set up!

Orange scented pumpkin scones about to be slathered with generous amounts of pumpkin butter made to celebrate the arrival of autumn.

Smoked Old Fashioned. Adding smoke to this classic cocktail adds depth of flavor that complements the bourbon, while the simple syrup is infused with rosemary, which also plays a role as a swizzle stick

Looking for a rustic, yet simple presentation of these tomato-based Barilla products. The abundance of the harvest bathed in "sunlight" contributed to this genuine and fresh look. Technically I used several studio lights and some reflectors. The use of complementary colors make the product stand out.

This was an impromptu personal project on a day when a client canceled Originally intended to be a black-and-white shot, I fell in love with the different wood colours and textures as well as the light reflected off my wet patio.
Food Styling by Peilin Breller. Shot on the Canon R5 and 50mm at f / 8. Using Club Backdrops.
Anyone who shops via our link will have the value of a standard size backdrop discounted from their order: https://clubbackdrops.com/r?ref=gabriellucido

Indian cooking is often regarded to older generations that pass on their cultural cuisine to the newer generations. This photo with the authentic spices and ingredients wouldn't have been complete without the human element that speaks a lot about the Indian cooking culture.

Beverege picture: In this picture Passito di PANTELLERIA Bukkuram “Padre della vigna” . Two lights, one on right side one on left side with SoftBox 30x120mm